2nd ASEF

2nd ASEF


Asian shipbuilding industries have grown up a lot and supply most merchant ships to the world market. We are now in a position to be responsible for ensuring safety in shipping in international transactions.

Safety of ships is primarily preserved by the rules of International Maritime Organization(IMO) and regulations of IACS. But, these regulations are reviewed and revised mostly by European countries. Asian shipbuilding industries have little voice to the manipulation of these international maritime regulations. In order to maintain sound and balanced international maritime regulations, we need to reflect more Asian shipbuilding industries' viewpoints on them.

As world fleet increases, stricter regulations are expected to be imposed to ensure safety and environmental protection. In order to cope with these trends effectively, entire Asian shipbuilding industries need to quickly identify general trends in international regulations and standards and improve mutual communication in the region. In other words, shipbuilding engineers in Asia need to share information and enhance their mutual understanding through discussions on the matters that may significantly affect shipbuilding industries. They can then, reflect their coherent views on the international regulations.

With this viewpoint, the First Asian Shipbuilding Experts' Forum was organized by JSTRA and held successfully in Tokyo Japan last year. 

The Second Asian Shipbuilding Experts' Forum will be held in Changwon, Korea on 12th-13th November 2008. The Forum will proceed in parallel with Korean Maritime Exhibition (KOMARINE) at the same place. At the end of the Forum, all participants will be invited to visit STX shipyard. 

Specialists involved in Asian shipbuilding are cordially invited to attend the Second ASEF Forum and exchange their experiences and ideas on shipbuilding regulations and standards. Furthermore, shipbuilders' associations of respective countries are encouraged to participate in the discussion on NGO to IMO on the second day.
Organizer of the Forum : The Korea Shipbuilders' Association (KOSHIPA)
Advocates : China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI) The Shipbuilders' Association of Japan (SAJ)
Secretariat of ASEF : Japan Ship Technology Research Association (JSTRA)


Date: 12th-13th, November 2008
Venue: CECO(Changwon Exhibition Convention Center) Room 301
298-7 Doodae-dong, Changwon, Gyeongnam 641-966, Korea
For more information, please refer to the website at

Day 1 (Wednesday, 12th November)

09:00 Registration
09:30 Opening Address by Chairman of KOSHIPA
09:40 Welcoming Address by Director General for Core Industries of Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE)
09:50 Keynote Speech by Chairman of Korea Register of Shipping
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Safety Issue 1 - IMO GBS
"GBS - a new IMO rule making process - How it impacts the shipbuilding industry" Mr. Koichi Yoshida, National Maritime Research Institute (Japan)

"Pilot Panel Report of GBS Tier III Verification Process for IACS CSR"
Mr. Man-soo Kim, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (Korea)

"Intellectual Property Rights vs. Design Transparency"
Mr. O Kitamura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.(Japan)

- Discussion on GBS(Moderator : Mr. Jong-kap Lee, MOERI)

* Special meeting on GBS : "For more detail and practical discussions on IMO GBS, an extra meeting will be arranged on Friday, 14th of November. The detail schedule for this meeting will be informed later."
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Safety Issue 2 - IMO PSPC
Mr. Wang Guoping, Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding(Group) Co., Ltd. (China)

"Useful and Reliable Technology, Electric Conductivity : All Soluble Salt Ions" 
Mr. Hidehisa Ashida, Oshima Shipbuilding Co., LTD. (Japan)

"Corrosion Protection for COT of Crude Oil Tankers : Corrosion- Resistant Steel" 
Mr. Masanori Yoshida, Japan Ship Technology Research Association (Japan)

"The 1st PSPC Experience"
Mr. Yong-woon Kim, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (Korea)

- Discussion on PSPC(Moderator : Mr. Yong-woon Kim, DSME)
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Environment Issue 1 - Air Pollution and Ship Recycling
"Discussion on NOx Certification Obtainment and NOx Emission Survey on Board
for Low Speed Diesel Engine"
Mr. Zhou Weizhong, Hudong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (China)

"Comments on the Proposed Attained New Ship Design CO2 Index"
Mr. Li Xiaoping, Marine Design & Research Institute of China (China)

"Ship Recycling Convention - What does it require shipbuilders to do?"
Mr. Tasuku Hirabara, Japan Ship Technology Research Association (Japan)

- Discussion on Air Pollution and Ship Recycling (Moderator : Mr. Sei-chang Lee, KR)
17:00 Environment Issue 2 - Ballast Water Management Convention and Current
Technology Development of Ballast Water Treatment
"Recent Application on Regulation for Ballast Water Treatment in Ship Design" 
Mr. Lu Changrong, Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute (China)

"Recent Development of Ballast Water Treatment Technologies"
Mr. Ki-hoon Han, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., LTD. (Korea)

- Discussion on Ballast Water Management Convention and Current Technology Development of Ballast Water Treatment System(Moderator : Mr. Ki-hoon Han, HHI)
18:00 Reception

Day 2 (Thursday, 13th November)

09:30 "Overview of regulations and standards on marine environment protection" 
Mr. Sei-chang Lee, Korean Register of Shipping (Korea)

"The development trend of Green Shipbuilding Technology"
Mr. Hong Heping, Guangzhou Shipyard International Co. (China)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Discussion on ASEF Framework, NGO to IMO and any other items
"Amendment to the Resolution 1(1) of 1st ASEF [Framework of ASEF] and
Information on NGOs in IMO"
Mr. Tsuyoshi Yahagi, Japan Ship Technology Research Association (Japan)
11:00 Closing(Announcement of the next ASEF from China)
12:00 Farewell Lunch
14:00 Yard Tour to STX Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (only for foreigners)


Presentation materials may be protected by copyrights of its presenter.
Please note that unauthorized use or reproduction of those materials are prohibited. 
A Document Number
A Document Name
The kind of the File
Forum Item- 1 IMO GBS
Document  No.1 Mr. Koichi Yoshida, National Maritime Research Institute (Japan)
"GBS - a new IMO rule making process - How it impacts the shipbuilding industry"

Document  No.2 Mr. Man-soo Kim, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (Korea)

"Pilot Panel Report of GBS Tier III Verification Process for IACS CSR"

Document  No.3 Mr. O Kitamura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Japan)

Intellectual Property Rights vs. Design Transparency"

Forum Item- 2 IMO PSPC
Document  No.4

Mr. Wang Guoping, Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding(Group) Co., Ltd. (China)


Document  No.5

Mr. Hidehisa Ashida, Oshima Shipbuilding Co., LTD. (Japan)

"Useful and Reliable Technology, Electric Conductivity : All Soluble Salt Ions"

Document  No.6

Mr. Masanori Yoshida, Japan Ship Technology Research Association (Japan)

"Corrosion Protection for COT of Crude Oil Tankers 'Corrosion-Resistant Steel'"

Document  No.7 Mr. Yong-woon Kim, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (Korea)

"The 1st PSPC Experience"

Forum Item- 3 Air Pollution and Ship Recycling
Document  No.8

Mr. Zhou Weizhong, Hudong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (China)

"Discussion on NOx Certification Obtainment and NOx Emission Survey on Board for Marine Low Speed Diesel Engine"

Document  No.9

Mr. Li Xiaoping, Marine Design & Research Institute of China (China)

"Comments on the Proposed Attained New Ship Design CO2 Index"

Document  No.10

Mr. Tasuku Hirabara, Japan Ship Technology Research Association (Japan)

"Ship Recycling Convention - What does it require shipbuilders to do?"

Forum Item- 4 Ballast Water Management Convention and Current Technology Development of Ballast Water Treatment System
Document  No.11 Mr. Lu Changrong, Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute (China)"Recent Application on Regulation for Ballast Water Treatment in Ship Design"
Document  No.12

Mr. Ki-hoon Han, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., LTD. (Korea)

"Recent Development of Ballast Water Treatment Technology"

Forum Item- 5 Any Other Items
Document  No.13

Mr. Hong-He Ping Chan, (China)

"Development Trend of Green Shipbuilding Technology"

Document  No.14

Mr. Sei-chang Lee, Korean Register of Shipping (KR)

"Overview of regulations and standards on marine environment protection"

Forum Item- 6 Discussion on ASEF Framework, NGO to IMO and any other
Document  No.15

Mr. Tsuyoshi Yahagi, Japan Ship Technology Research Association (Japan)

"Amendment of Framework(1st ASEF Resolution 1) and Information of NGO"
