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1.Venue, Registration
2. Day 1 Plenary
2-1. Opening address
2-2. Formulation of IMO regulations and roles of Asian shipbuilders
2-3. Achieving a balance in maritime regulation and expectation on ASEF
2-4. Protection against noise on board ships
2-5. Testing of watertight compartments
2-6. Environmental FSA (Formal safety assessment) for oil tanker
3. Day1 Session 1
3-1.Standardization of inventory of hazardous materials for newly built ships
3-2.PSPC (Performance standards for protective coatings) for ballast water tank
4. Day 1 Session 2
4-1.GBS (Goal-based ship construction standards) - Design transparency and intellectual property protection
4-2.GBS - H(C)SR (Harmonized common structural rules)
5. Day 2 Plenary
5-1.Indonesia's regulation in compliance with international regulations
5-2.Report of organized sessions
5-3.Toward an NGO granted consultative status with IMO
5-4.Address by next ASEF host
5-6.Closing address
6. Discussion
7. Mutual friendship