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1. CG for consultative status of IMO - NGO (30th Nov. 2011)
2. CG for standardization of IHM (30th Nov. 2011)
3. Venue & Registration (1st Dec. 2011)
4. 1st Day Plenary (1st Dec. 2011)
4.1 Opening address
4.2 Keynote speech
4.3 ISO
4.4 IMO
5. Session 1 for safety issue (1st Dec. 2011)
5.1 GBS
5.3 Tank Testing
5.4 Noise On board
6. Session 2 for environment & security issue
6.1 BWMS
6.2 Anti-Piracy
6.3 EEDI
6.4 Air Pollution
7.1 The current status of Asian shipbuilding industry
7.2 Following-up CGs
7.3 Summary of session
7.4 Conclusion review
7.5 Address by next ASEF host (Representative of China)
8. Mutual Friendship